Hello again :) I’m sure you will notice I have raised the prices on some of the oils (the bundles of 2, 3 and the phat rollers). This change also now allows me to sell individual rollers to you again - but the more you buy the more you save. I want you to understand that I want these to be affordable for you and also I want to be paid a fair wage for my work and products. Previously, I was trying to have a competitive price with large companies- but I’m not a large company. I’m just a 1 woman artesian shop. I do everything alone- and aside from rising supply costs it is also quite time consuming. I love to fill these orders for you- but I also need to eat and want to thrive. I hope you will understand. I do feel that the prices are fair, especially since the oils are so high quality and last so long. I have many loyal repeat customers- but they return in 6 months or longer because the product lasts so long. I hope you will continue to support my business. I'm also now offering mini sample rollers as add ons to your purchase if you are curious about other scents without wanting to commit. This is my first time doing this (many of you know me as a musician) and I’m learning as I go. Thanks again for your continued support and understanding. I want to continue to help you smell awesome. Love, Esthero