Bundle of 2 roll on oils of your choice, descriptions below:
Bang! Esthero *NEW SCENT* - as you may have guessed it's a premixed combo of "Smells like Esthero" and "Smells like Bang!". This is pretty much what I wear daily, and it gets the most compliments of anything I wear now.
Smells Like Esthero - soft, woodsy musk, clean and fresh.
Smells Like Bang! - this basically smells like the lightest form of cotton candy ever, maybe with a touch of smoke
That Girl - coco mango fruity
Heaven S(c)ent - Bright and fresh with musty citrus undertone, musky, sweet.
Indigo Boy - Deep, dark and woodsy but with the sweet powder-y ness of a perfect musk.
Heaven Boy - A blend of Heaven S(c)ent and Indigo Boy and I AM OBSESSED with it. Smells like your childhood: popeye cigarettes and bubble tape.
Swallow Me - Vanilla, creamy, yummy, cake batter vibes.
Superheroes - A very spicy and superior Egyptian musk. Extremely different from any Egyptian musk you’ve ever smelled. Sultry, intense, dark, sexy, yet still somehow powdery and clean.
Country Livin - Vintage sweet smelling old school Egyptian Musk, leafy, lightly woodsy, spring time fresh.
Black Mermaid - Exotic and mystic musk - a little deeper, sweeter, woodsy, earthy, spicy cedar amber and a hint of a champa - If you like Chanel #5 you will like this.
The Bakery - DELICIOUSLY rich, buttery and spicy scent with deep earthy tones and low tones of sweetness and fruits... Imagine rich vanilla, fresh fruits, sandalwood, patchouli.
Just a little dab will do, as with any oil, and best put on your nekkid body (pulse points) fresh out the showa!
2- 1/3 oz roll on perfume oils